Dad: Well my cold is no longer raging, but it's certainly not gone. It's been a week!! It should be gone by now. I'll blame my sleeping habits and stress from my horrible economic assignments.
Steve: Thank you!! Now... which Steve is this? (^^;
April: Why yes, I am a giant baby for with-holding updates until my comment quota had been filled! >:D I may have indeed gotten you something fun at Pokemon heaven! And hold on a moment while I go youtube Tony Bennett... Nah, Kiyoshi is at least 5 million times more sparkly than this Tony Bennett fellow. His fan-base consists of mostly mature ladies for the following reasons: 1. He sings enka, which is a tradional(ish) style of music that is very popular among the elderly (they release his singles on TAPES as well as CDs) and 2. He's not unattractive. Thus, he's every elderly women's dream man! Except HG, who doesn't seem to be a huge fan of his. Heh. Different strokes.
As far as the bullet train goes, it's really only used for long-distance travel, since it is pretty much the same price as a domestic flight.
I have yet to see any cool rocks, but I'll take a (5 minute walking) trip down to the beach to see if I can find anything before I come back! Which is officially less than three weeks now!
Alright, now let's carry on
Where did I leave off...?

So as most of you know I had planned on making a scrapbook for my HF and giving it to them as part of my going-away-gift to them! But of course, as most of you know, I procrastinated and ended up finishing the scrapbook at 6:00PM on Friday night! One hour before dinner, which was when I was planning on giving it to them! Procrastination is of the devil, but at least I got it finished in time. Here's a look at the cover:
To the Senso family!
I took pictures of all of the pages, mostly to show Mom when I get back, so I won't show those here.
So after dinner, HD and HM decided it's time for them to give me a present they had bought. They were three pairs of really nice chopsticks; a pair for me, a pair for Mom and Dad and a pair for Grammy and Papa! How nice! I was really happy. Then HG decides to give me her present (which she made me pick out lol). It was this really really pretty scroll painting that she had painted herself! She's been doing painting and calligraphy for over 20 years, so she's really good at it. I nearly cried, but I didn't.
Then I have them their gift! When I gave it to them, I told them it was a little lame since I had made it myself; but when I told them that, they got all excited, and it turned out that they were really happy with it!! They looked at it a billion times and then finally put it on display on top of the wooden... what is that called, when they have that wooden thing the TV and DVD player etc fits in? Entertainment center? I think that's it. Well regardless, they put it on display and were all happy with it. Success!
Afterwards we looked through family photos of theirs and laughed at HS's inability to make a normal face in a picture. Then, we all went to bed. It was a really nice night!

The next morning, we had breakfast as usual. Afterwards, I went and finished packing. While I was packing though, HG came up to tell me that she had to head out early to meet her friend, so we said 'See you later' to each other and she left. Then after a little while, HS came in and gave me a card she had made! Here it is:
Awesome webcam shot now, since I'm too lazy to get out my camera, take a picture, upload it to my computer, so on and so forth.
And a close up on the bottom half!
So the top half says "Dear Coffelt Becca", because here the family name comes before the given name. I thought it was cute! Then there's this large blank box and on the inside, she wrote "Put a picture of the five of us here!" in Japanese.
The bottom half has a picture of us from the Halloween party and a really nice letter thanking me for the good memories, etc. Let's see if I can't do a quick translation...
"Thank you for all the memories ♥♥
At first [when we signed up for the homestay] we thought, what are we going to do if she can't speak Japanese?? But then you came and we were surprised!! You really are practically Japanese. And now you are Senso Becca. My little sister ♥ Even though the home stay is over, no matter where you are you are still a member of the Senso family!! We're a weird little family, but you're already a part of it! (lol) Please come back with a 'I'm home!' any time. The four of us are waiting ♥ Thank you so much ♥♥
From Satomi"
Now this time I actually did cry a bit! After this, I decide it's time to go and return their house key. So I head downstairs and find HD, and hand it to him. But then before he takes it, he stops and says "Wait a sec. Wouldn't it be better if you just kept it? Right, HM, shouldn't she keep it?" To which HM says of course! Their reasoning? "Well you know, if you come over sometime after school and no one is home, how are you supposed to get inside the house?? You can just give it back to us at Narita." INSTANT TEARY EYES! Especially since the previous night, HG asked me where I was flying out from on the 11th, and I told her Narita, to which she responded instantly with "We'll go with you!" It was so cute. But anyway, back on topic, I still have their house key.
My stuff all packed :( Why yes, I did end up leaving with much more than I had brought with me.
So after I was all done packing, we decided that we were going to go to the seminar house and drop off my stuff, then go out for lunch. But first, picture time!
We had their very elderly neighbor come and take pictures for us. Hence the tilt.
This one came out a bit better!
After picture time, we drove back to the seminar house to drop off my stuff. HD asked the seminar house staff guy who was working then something I couldn't hear, to which the staff guy replied that HD would have to talk to the international center at KGU. I wonder what this is about?
Then we decided to go out for lunch! We ended up driving to Odawara, which is about an hour away, since none of us were hungry yet. In the restaurant, which was really good Italian food, HD decided to take a picture of HS and I:
Notice HS hiding her face and me not paying attention. It was just like Mom taking unwanted pictures at EVERY family event! Hahaha.
After lunch, we wandered around the grounds outside of Odawara castle, because there was some sort of flea market/hand-made stuff sale going on. Here's another picture of HS and I:
At least I'm being a good sport about HD's Mom-like picture taking! He got the most hilarious picture of HS though, she was making the worst face ever. She bugged him like crazy to erase it, which he said he did, but he didn't!

Here's another picture of HS and I, though we didn't know it was being taken. We were looking at these hand-made cell phone charms. They were so cute! We ended up buying matching ones ♥
Afterwards, we headed back to the seminar house, and said our "See you later!"'s, and then they left. Sad :( But it was a really good day!

Sunday was homework day. In other words, there was nothing exciting to report on! On Monday, though, nothing exciting happened EXCEPT for a text message I got from HM. She told me that the had called KGU's international center and asked if I could just live at their house for the rest of the time instead of at the seminar house. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. The international center said no (jerks). But HM said that I could come back and spend the night whenever I wanted! I was really happy just that they wanted me to spend the rest of my time in Japan there with them. :DDD
The rest of the day was class and homework, so of course nothing to report on. Oh, but we did come together for our first practice for our Arashi dance for the "talent show" we had to perform for, called "Let's Enjoy". I won't even get started on that Engrish, but let's just say we were stressing. We had to come up with 2 hours of entertainment! In less than a week! Awful. We decided on a giant group Arashi dance for the very end of it. And since Arashi's actual choreography was too hard, we decided to combine various choreography from kid's songs. Heh. Wonder how that's going to go over.

I skyped with Mom/Dad/Grammy/Papa as usual on this day, except for the fact that several things were causing me undue stress and I was the grumpiest thing in the world. Sorry, guys!!!! Damn "Let's Enjoy" was later that day, and my economics report was also due that day, so I was stressing. Mostly from the econ report. I hate that class so so much. Everything about it, including our professor and our textbook. The bias is just too much for me to handle; everything in our textbook is written from a Japan-can-do-no-wrong perspective, and it's really frustrating when no one gives you an objective opinion about Japan's economy. In case you were unaware, David Flath (author of the textbook) and Mr. EconProfessor: Japan's economy has been at an utter standstill since the burst of the "Bubble" over 20 years ago!!! The current strength of the Yen doesn't not reflect Japan's economic situation in the slightest!!!
URGH rage. I am mostly raging because for the last papers we turned in, after reading them he decided to discuss with us, in front of the class, why our opinions were wrong. Why our OPINIONS were WRONG. Ridiculous. What a ridiculous excuse for a professor. When it came time for him to criticize my paper, he basically mocked me for my optimism on the United States' current economic situation. Old geezer fool. So you can see that I am NOT looking forward to next Thursday, when we have our econ presentations. Even though they are just reports devoid of opinion, I'm sure he'll have much to say about how wrong we are. Rage rage rage.
But rage aside, during our preparations for "Let's Enjoy", my mood improved greatly! The show itself was a lot of fun for us, but I imagine it was a little boring and awkward for our audience. The ones I was apart of were a silent version of the Three Little Pigs (in which I played the gangsta pig with the brick house) and the final Arashi dance.
Afterwards, our Japanese language professor treated Emily, Hagi-san, Ayako, and I to unagi!
Thanks Google image search! It was the first time for me eating unagi... do you know what unagi is? EEL. And it was sooooo good. The bones didn't bother me at all! Apparently they bother a lot of people. The entire meal was about $30, and she treated four of us. Which means our professor is loaded! It was a really nice meal.
Well we're off to go eat some Shabu-shabu soon, so I'll end today's update here and carry on tomorrow regardless of the number of comments I receive. Or maybe I won't because tomorrow I'M GOING TO GO SEE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooo excited.
But you know what is definitely not okay? Apparently North Korea just sent a missile towards an inhabited island off the coast of South Korea, injuring at least 4 South Korean soldiers. This is not okay for several reasons, the biggest of them being the fact that KC has family in South Korea, and if this gets worse... I'd rather not think about it. I'd like to think that of North Korea keeps this up that they'll be shut down too quickly for any real damage to take place. But then I'm reminded of the missile they've got pointed towards Japan. So I'm a tad nervous at the moment. Not okay, Evildoer Korea, not okay at all. Leave Good Korea and the rest of the world alone.
Well, I'm off!

I can hardly wait to see the rest of the scrapbook pictures, Is your cold better? Your host family is VERY nice you are so lucky!!! I have started to count down the days you come home and I am sorry they wouldn't let you stay with your host family longer.
ReplyDeleteAw, Coffelt Becca, don't worry. We hear the word on the NPRs that bad Korea is building a something-water nuclear facility, and the U.S. is pretty pissed off about that, so I'm sure the shutting of down will happen before anything super duper serious happens. WTF, bad Korea? Get over yourselves. . .
ReplyDeleteRE: your scrapbook. "Mostly to show Mom"? What the hell? I didn't even know you had any creative sort of skills whatsoever, so I hope you bring your photos to Christmas or whenever we have a get-together so we can all "ooo" and "ahh" and poke fun of you as appropriate.
Your card from your HF made me get a bit teary. But now you can tell everyone that you're Mexican and Japanese and start speaking Spanglanese, and it will be jolly fun. I wonder what was up International Center's bottom about you staying with HF? You think it's a money thing?
Please tell me somebody Youtubed "Let's Enjoy".
UNAGI IS DELICIOUS. So delicious that I misspelled "delicious" four times, I was so excited. Any sushi with the unagi sauce is the bomb, too. Mmmmmm. Eel sauce.
It's snowing here. What does the weather do there in the Japan?
Oh! I forgot to say "ROFL" at your reference to Norina's inappropriate photo-taking. Good times. ;)
ReplyDeleteToo bad about HS covering up her face, though, 'cause she is a doll-face.
OK, bye-bye.
Commenting now because I want more blogs! I very much enjoy reading your stuff, though I'm not the best commentator (yes that's a word, though it may mean I'm a potato... bad I know.)
ReplyDeleteI love your references to your mom's photoaphilic (yes that's a word too... well now it is anyway :-P) tendancies. I call Rik "little Norina" whenever he pulls out the camera cuz he's almost as bad.
Its so sad that you can't stay with Hfamily. They seem so nice. Funny though that they want you to keep the key. If you forget to return the key it would be funny to drop in on them when you take Natasia and I to japan as our guide! J/k.
Have fun the rest of your trip, can't wait for you to be back!
Dear Bexy-
ReplyDeleteWhere are you? I hope you're Skype-ing with your 'rents and g'rents in this ALMOST TWO WEEK between blog interim so that at least they know that you're alive.
Cousin April