It's full of awesome, here's a picture of it:
And another:
Check out those sweet Buddha charms. Fits well with my gangsta image.
Here's the back:
I put some purikura on the back. The first one is from our great adventure with Chloe in Yokohama! The second is from my first trip to Yokohama, and the last two were taken in Akiba.
Also today, I bought a poster...
It's my favorite enka singer Hikawa Kiyoshi! Don't you judge me. Check it:
In case you're wondering, yes in fact he was outed recently. His boyfriend isn't nearly as cool as he is, though.
And also today we had our Japanese class, and we had a presentation and a quiz! My presentation went well, with 23/25, and I got full points on my kanji quiz. Like a boss, right? Like a boss.
Tomorrow we have class starting at 9:00 and ending at 2:30. ONE class. With breaks, of course, but STILL. I think it's the culture class. I'll let you all know how it goes!
OH and as a mass reply to all of you who "complimented" my tan... I HATE IT SO MUCH. I hope it fades quickly

I mean, I guess it would be fine if I didn't have these damn tan lines...
OH and also RIK!!! Did you see that first picture I put a link to on that last blog? The one I decided to hide behind a link? I think I should buy one of those for you, considering your computer job and all. Let me know what you think!
Anyway, I'm off to study kanji for a bit and find out what my new phone can do!
Wow that's a lot of caps...
OH AND MOM AND DAD!! I'm reminding you that Grammy and Papa are supposed to go over to the house at 5:30 and that you should set up my computer for a skype video chat session. You've probably forgotten.
Ok, that's it for now!

hehe Nice Tan Hunnie, but what are all those lines
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 1st presentation & quiz I knew you could do it!!! Enjoy the tan almost everyone has tan lines the 1st time.LOL Are U calling on our Thursday or your Thursday. Sorry its so confusing.:) :)
ReplyDeleteDad would like that more than me ;0P
ReplyDeleteLOL showed Brad the mouse pad. He says, "Wow."
ReplyDeleteGood job on your quiz and presentation smartie pants!! :p