Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wow I'm bad at this whole blog-a-day thing...

Sorry people! I'm not so good at this blog-a-day thing! Mostly because after class I get busy with homework, etc and not have time to blog. Also because nothing really interesting happens when I just have class... but let's recap at least yesterday!

OH WAIT NO, here's a picture from a couple days ago...

Strawberry short cake! Soooo good.

OK! So yesterday we had Japanese class, which went well! I got 100% on my kanji quiz, 93% on my other quiz, and my presentation went well too. After class, we had a 手巻きすし (temaki sushi, make-your-own sushi) party. It was delicious with lots of raw salmon, etc. Sooo good. Here are some pictures from the party:

Brenna, Nicole, Yinzhou, KC, and Emily.

Emily laughing and crying at the same time. Apparently she tried to kick the table with just her shoe, and ended up kicking it with... her foot? I don't even know.

Brenna's terrified face! Why were you so scared again?

Hagi-san being a scheming creeper.

Then afterwards we went to karaoke!

Oh jeez, karaoke. First of all, just because I am not singing solo into a mic does not mean I am not having fun. I wanted to type that in caps, but decided not to. I sang (with others, of course) some Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson, etc. Sadly, Ayako, KC, and I were cheated out of our Arashi medley because our time was up. Whatever, next time it's an Arashi party!!

Yeah I failed and didn't get any pictures from the Karaoke party. Ho hum. Next time!

Aaaaaand yesterday, Ayako gave me a late birthday present:

Adorable! But can you guess what it is? I'll leave you guys to guess in the comments what the mystery bunny gift is!! Maybe you'll get a prize... (probably not)

Anyway, today I have politics again! I'm pretty sure nothing exciting will happen today. Oh, but it is raining!


  1. I guess speakers!!! and send me some of that shortcake!!!

  2. It looks like the energizer bunny, is it a mic or webcam? I want some shortcake too!!!!!!

  3. I think its a Donkey trying to pass as a bunnie...

  4. Lol like Rik, I say it's a sound system. Probably for an iPod? I want that strawberry shortcake too!!

  5. Ok, so I've been gone for two weeks and not able to read your blog, so I'm behind. I'm guessing that bunny-kins is one of those plug your iPod into it things. And when I keep reading your blogs that I missed, I'll probably see that you answered the burning question of what it is.
