Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, today I had my first class! It didn't start till 1:00, but we left around 10:00 in order to go do some studying in the library and then to have lunch. Well... we did end up having lunch, but as far as studying goes, we found ourselves too distracted by the cheap prices in the used book/cd store. An Arashi concert DVD for approx. $15? Amazing! No, I didn't buy it. Didn't end up buying anything there in fact, I was quite proud of myself.
After lunch we headed up to our first class, which was politics. Well... the professor is really nice, but apparently he was asked to teach this class without much (read: any) prior experience, and it ended up being pretty boring. He did recommend a lot of places for us to travel to, though. Maybe next week's class will be better.

After class Eguchi-san (one of the IPO staff members) told us that they're still waiting on the pink phones, but that if Cassie and I wanted one tomorrow, we could go ahead and get black with everyone else. I told him that well... I really want a phone, so I'm fine with black. Cassie said the same. So he made a call to the SoftBank store near campus asking about the number of models that were ordered. Turns out only three phones will be in tomorrow, but on Monday there would be coming in five phones; three white ones and two black ones. Actually, the others would arrive in the store on Saturday, but Eguchi-san wouldn't be able to take us on the weekend. Pfft why does he need a life? I need my phone. But anyway, we made a decision and on Monday I will be getting a white phone! Which is much better than a black one that I didn't want anyway. I'll ask him tomorrow about the pink phones, because I mean, if they get them in on Monday, then I would still want to get one of those over the white model, but who knows...

And then we went off to the hundred yen store, then to eat, and then back to the Seminar House. I had curry which was delicious. And... that was my day. I have no interesting pictures to show you, so... here's what I wore today:

Oh shoot, minus that white shirt underneath. It would've gotten way too hot, so I took that off before I left. It's that dress I bought a few days ago!

Boring post was boring. Sorry, people

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